Slot O MATIC - Engineer of NiagaraFramework

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나이아가라 프레임워크 QnA :

2021년 7월 8일 목요일



그래이들을 이용한 슬롯오매틱 버그수정방법

gradlew slot  명령어로 프로퍼티를 자동으로 생성할 수 있고 원하는 프로퍼티의 getter와 setter를 자동으로 생성해준다.

그런데 이것이 잘 실행이 안될때 gradle을 수정하여 해결할 수 있다.

Gradlew :moduleName:slotomatic
C:\work\Niagara\myModule>gradlew :myModule-rt:slotomatic 

SlotOMatic이 정상동작 하지 않을 때는 아래를 참고하라
niagara.gradle 에 buildscript dependencies classpath "com.tridium:niagara-slotomatic-library:1.0.3" } }

프러퍼티 옵션 예시

AxCommunity의 BTrendAnalyzer.java를 참고할것

name = "execute",
parameterType = "BString",
defaultValue = "BString.DEFAULT"

name = "Out", //REQUIRED Name of the property
type = "baja:StatusNumeric", //REQUIRED Property type. Supports "Module:Type" typespec format (preferred) or full name.Example: "baja:RelTime" or "BRelTime" are valid.
defaultValue = "new BStatusNumeric()", //REQUIRED The default value of the property
flags= Flags.SUMMARY|Flags.READONLY //Any flags the property my have. Notice that multiple flags are grouped together with the "|" symbol.
name = "AlarmValue", //REQUIRED Name of the property
type = "baja:StatusBoolean", //REQUIRED Property type. Supports "Module:Type" typespec format (preferred) or full name.Example: "baja:RelTime" or "BRelTime" are valid.
defaultValue = "new BStatusBoolean()", //REQUIRED The default value of the property
flags= Flags.SUMMARY //Any flags the property my have. Notice that multiple flags are grouped together with the "|" symbol.

name = "Out", //REQUIRED Name of the property
type = "baja:StatusNumeric", //REQUIRED Property type. Supports "Module:Type" typespec format (preferred) or full name.Example: "baja:RelTime" or "BRelTime" are valid.
defaultValue = "new BStatusNumeric()", //REQUIRED The default value of the property
flags= Flags.SUMMARY|Flags.READONLY //Any flags the property my have. Notice that multiple flags are grouped together with the "|" symbol.
name = "AlarmValue", //REQUIRED Name of the property
type = "baja:StatusBoolean", //REQUIRED Property type. Supports "Module:Type" typespec format (preferred) or full name.Example: "baja:RelTime" or "BRelTime" are valid.
defaultValue = "new BStatusBoolean()", //REQUIRED The default value of the property
flags= Flags.SUMMARY //Any flags the property my have. Notice that multiple flags are grouped together with the "|" symbol.

name = "FirstValue", //REQUIRED Name of the property
type = "baja:StatusNumeric", //REQUIRED Property type. Supports "Module:Type" typespec format (preferred) or full name.Example: "baja:RelTime" or "BRelTime" are valid.
defaultValue = "new BStatusNumeric()", //REQUIRED The default value of the property
flags= Flags.SUMMARY //Any flags the property my have. Notice that multiple flags are grouped together with the "|" symbol.

name = "DelayTime", //REQUIRED Name of the property
type = "baja:RelTime", //REQUIRED Property type. Supports "Module:Type" typespec format (preferred) or full name.Example: "baja:RelTime" or "BRelTime" are valid.
defaultValue = "BRelTime.makeHours(1)", //REQUIRED The default value of the property
flags= Flags.HIDDEN | Flags.ASYNC, //Any flags the property my have. Notice that multiple flags are grouped together with the "|" symbol.
facets = //Any facets that the property may have. The facet annotation works as a name-value pair.
@Facet(name = "BFacets.MIN", value = "BRelTime.makeSeconds(0)"),
@Facet(name = "BFacets.MAX", value = "BRelTime.makeSeconds(60)")


class BTrendAnalyzer
default {[ BOrd.NULL ]}
default {[ new BAbsTimeRange(BAbsTime.make(2000,BMonth.make(0),0,0,0),BAbsTime.make()) ]}
default {[ new BStatusNumeric(0.0) ]}
flags { summary }
default {[ new BStatusNumeric(0.0) ]}
flags { summary }
default {[ new BStatusNumeric(0.0) ]}
flags { summary }
default {[ new BStatusNumeric(0.0) ]}
flags { summary }
default {[ new BStatusNumeric(0.0) ]}
flags { summary }

위와같이 입력 후 slot-o-matic을 실행하면 아래와같이 set/get 및 action 코드가 자동 생성된다.

/*+ ------------ BEGIN BAJA AUTO GENERATED CODE ------------ +*/
/*@ $org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer(2106091625)1.0$ @*/
/* Generated Sun Feb 22 14:52:04 EST 2009 by Slot-o-Matic 2000 (c) Tridium, Inc. 2000 */

// Property "history"

* Slot for the <code>history</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#getHistory
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#setHistory
public static final Property history = newProperty(0, BOrd.NULL,null);

* Get the <code>history</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#history
public BOrd getHistory() { return (BOrd)get(history); }

* Set the <code>history</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#history
public void setHistory(BOrd v) { set(history,v,null); }

// Property "dateRange"

* Slot for the <code>dateRange</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#getDateRange
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#setDateRange
public static final Property dateRange = newProperty(0, new BAbsTimeRange(BAbsTime.make(2000,BMonth.make(0),0,0,0),BAbsTime.make()),null);

* Get the <code>dateRange</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#dateRange
public BAbsTimeRange getDateRange() { return (BAbsTimeRange)get(dateRange); }

* Set the <code>dateRange</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#dateRange
public void setDateRange(BAbsTimeRange v) { set(dateRange,v,null); }

// Property "count"

* Slot for the <code>count</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#getCount
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#setCount
public static final Property count = newProperty(Flags.SUMMARY, new BStatusNumeric(0.0),null);

* Get the <code>count</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#count
public BStatusNumeric getCount() { return (BStatusNumeric)get(count); }

* Set the <code>count</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#count
public void setCount(BStatusNumeric v) { set(count,v,null); }

// Property "min"

* Slot for the <code>min</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#getMin
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#setMin
public static final Property min = newProperty(Flags.SUMMARY, new BStatusNumeric(0.0),null);

* Get the <code>min</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#min
public BStatusNumeric getMin() { return (BStatusNumeric)get(min); }

* Set the <code>min</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#min
public void setMin(BStatusNumeric v) { set(min,v,null); }

// Property "max"

* Slot for the <code>max</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#getMax
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#setMax
public static final Property max = newProperty(Flags.SUMMARY, new BStatusNumeric(0.0),null);

* Get the <code>max</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#max
public BStatusNumeric getMax() { return (BStatusNumeric)get(max); }

* Set the <code>max</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#max
public void setMax(BStatusNumeric v) { set(max,v,null); }

// Property "average"

* Slot for the <code>average</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#getAverage
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#setAverage
public static final Property average = newProperty(Flags.SUMMARY, new BStatusNumeric(0.0),null);

* Get the <code>average</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#average
public BStatusNumeric getAverage() { return (BStatusNumeric)get(average); }

* Set the <code>average</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#average
public void setAverage(BStatusNumeric v) { set(average,v,null); }

// Property "sum"

* Slot for the <code>sum</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#getSum
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#setSum
public static final Property sum = newProperty(Flags.SUMMARY, new BStatusNumeric(0.0),null);

* Get the <code>sum</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#sum
public BStatusNumeric getSum() { return (BStatusNumeric)get(sum); }

* Set the <code>sum</code> property.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#sum
public void setSum(BStatusNumeric v) { set(sum,v,null); }

// Action "execute"

* Slot for the <code>execute</code> action.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#execute()
public static final Action execute = newAction(0,null);

* Invoke the <code>execute</code> action.
* @see org.axcommunity.niagara.bql.BTrendAnalyzer#execute
public void execute() { invoke(execute,null,null); }

// Type

public Type getType() { return TYPE; }
public static final Type TYPE = Sys.loadType(BTrendAnalyzer.class);

public BIcon getIcon() { return icon; }
private static final BIcon icon = BIcon.make("module://axCommunity/org/axcommunity/niagara/graphics/ActiveLogixLogo.png");

/*+ ------------ END BAJA AUTO GENERATED CODE -------------- +*/

public void doExecute()
String fiftyYearsInMS = "1577846298735";

// Grab the ORD for the selected history
String hist = getHistory().toString();

// Grab the start and end dates, note 'encodeToString()' makes it
// ORD friendly
String startDate = getDateRange().getStartTime().encodeToString();
String endDate = getDateRange().getEndTime().encodeToString();

BOrd bqlOrd = BOrd.make(hist + "?period=timeRange;start=" + startDate + ";end=" + endDate
+ "|bql:history:HistoryRollup.rollup(select *, baja:RelTime '" + fiftyYearsInMS + "')");

// Run the BQL query
BITable result = (BITable) bqlOrd.resolve(Sys.getStation()).get();
ColumnList columns = result.getColumns();
try(TableCursor c = result.cursor())
// We should only have one entry in the history since we're querying 50 years; // Move to 1st (and only) record

// Grab the info from the corresponding rows
double count = Double.parseDouble(c.cell(columns.get(2)).toString().replace(',','.'));
double min = Double.parseDouble(c.cell(columns.get(3)).toString().replace(',','.'));
double max = Double.parseDouble(c.cell(columns.get(4)).toString().replace(',','.'));
double avg = Double.parseDouble(c.cell(columns.get(5)).toString().replace(',','.'));
double sum = Double.parseDouble(c.cell(columns.get(6)).toString().replace(',','.'));
// Set each value

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